Teen Council

Applications to join the 2024-2025 Teen Council will be available in August 2024. 


Le Petit Theatre aims to establish a teen council comprised of 10-20 dedicated students in grades 8-12 that will join together throughout the 2023-24 season to view and discuss Le Petit work, read plays, perform volunteer theatre service, and learn about all areas of the professional theatre-making process from industry pros. We seek students who love to see theatre, perform theatre, work backstage, or are simply curious about becoming more involved in the art. This council will act as a way for students to learn not only the performing side of theatre production, but all of the various roles, jobs, and responsibilities that go into creating professional theatre for a community. Council members will also have the option to shadow various adult artists throughout the season to learn about areas of work that interest them.

This season, the council will:

There is no cost to join or apply to the Teen Council.  Click here for a list of frequently asked questions.